Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Business Ethics and Sustainability Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Business Ethics and Sustainability - Essay Example Reference is made to a specific case, as an example: the oil spill caused by BP in Mexico in 2010. Different ethical approaches are used for evaluating the role of parties in the specific ethical issue and for understanding how the effects of this issue, in terms of ethics, could be limited. Also, the following problem is explored: can a particular ethical theory be used for realising all aspects of an ethical issue in the business sector or a combination of different ethical approaches would be rather preferred? The examination and the analysis of the facts of the specific case, as based on appropriate literature, lead to the following assumption: business decisions and operations can be quite complex; current ethical approaches are not able, if used separately, to explain all ethical issue related to business activities no matter the size of a business. In the 20th of April 2010 a strong explosion occurred in BP’s ‘drilling rig in the Gulf of Mexico’ (The Guardian, 2010). The site’s safety measures were proved quite problematic: a mechanism that had been established for controlling the leak of oil did not operate while no plan appeared for limiting the human losses in regard to the company’s staff in the particular site (The Guardian, 2010). As a result, about 11 employees died while 17 others suffered severe injuries; also, an extended oil slick was gradually developed affecting the natural environment, see waters and coasts, in the greater Gulf area (The Guardian, 2010). About ‘200 million gallons of oil’ (Geggel, 2015) have been released in the Gulf of Mexico during the 87 days that followed the explosion in BP’s particular drilling rig (Neuhauser, 2014). The damage caused on the area’s natural environment has been quite critical (Figure 1). Due to its effects on the environment, the specific incident was carefully investigated by the authorities, as of all its aspects. At a first

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Is Nationalism a Rational Phenomenon Coursework

Is Nationalism a Rational Phenomenon - Coursework Example Nationalism turns out to be involuntary when a member of a country is born in a particular nation. It was not a choice to be born there so it becomes involuntary. People who permanently change their citizenship and get that of another country are voluntary, members of their country of choice. Thus, voluntary. The concept of nationalism is deeply intertwined with questions like; - What does a nation refer to and what is the meaning of national identity. - What does it mean to belong to a nation? - Is this nation membership non-voluntary or voluntary? - Is nationalism rational? - Is it appropriate to always care about one’s national identity? - How much should one care about nationalism? Nationalism is also viewed as a doctrine that believes that a nation which is at this point defined as a culture or ethnicity is entitled to be an autonomous or independent political community that has its basis on a common destiny or a shared history. Those who are very extreme about nationalism define it in terms of genetics or even race. Nationalism highly influences the history of the world. Over the past years, nationalism has been written off from philosophic debates. It has however surfaced in the philosophy arena especially as a result of the constant troublesome nationalists' clashes for instance in Yugoslavia. The rush of nationalism normally presents an ambivalent that is moral and creates a very interesting picture. The fight for political independence and national awakening is known to be cruel to humanity but at the same time heroic.It leads to the creation of a full and free state that passionately responds to deep sentiments. However, in the process of attaining this, inhuman and violently explosive mechanisms are used to clean the nation off of the non-nationals even to the tune of well organized and executed mass murder.