Thursday, January 30, 2020

Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening by Robert Frost Essay Example for Free

Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening by Robert Frost Essay Robert Frost constructed this poem with four stanzas in iambic tetrameter. Frost’s rhyme scheme is intriguing; the first, second, and fourth lines of each stanza rhyme, where as the third rhymes with the next set of first, second, and fourth lines. Although, this pattern is broken in the fourth and final stanza, where Frost rhymes all the lines with the third line in the third stanza. To finish off the poem, the fifteenth line is repeated as the last line (aaba, bbcb, ccdc, dddd). The poem’s title is a very straightforward description of the poem itself, since it says exactly what is going on in the delicately placed An Explication of Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening Robert Frost constructed this poem with four stanzas in iambic tetrameter. Frost’s rhyme scheme is intriguing; the first, second, and fourth lines of each stanza rhyme, where as the third rhymes with the next set of first, second, and fourth lines. Although, this pattern is broken in the fourth and final stanza, where Frost rhymes all the lines with the third line in the third stanza. To finish off the poem, the fifteenth line is repeated as the last line (aaba, bbcb, ccdc, dddd). The poem’s title is a very straightforward description of the poem itself, since it says exactly what is going on in the delicately placed words below it. Starting with the first stanza, the speaker decides to stop in the woods to, â€Å"To watch [it] fill up with snow† (Frost). He believes that he is acquainted with the owner of these woods; though the owner does not reside there but, â€Å"his house is in the village† (Frost). Therefore, the speaker is not worried about the owner spotting him on his property enjoying a tranquil moment on his journey. words below it. Starting with the first stanza, the speaker decides to stop in the woods to, â€Å"To watch [it] fill up with snow† (Frost). He believes that he is acquainted with the owner of these woods; though the owner does not reside there but, â€Å"his house is in the village† (Frost). Therefore, the speaker is not worried about the owner spotting him on his property enjoying a tranquil moment on his journey.

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