Thursday, March 12, 2020

Summary Paper Wk 2

Summary Paper Wk 2 Summary Paper Wk 2 How to Become Upper Management Erik S. St. George MGT/230 March 24, 2015 Mr. William Slomski How to Become Upper Management The path to becoming a CEO of any Corporation is a long road for anyone to take. To be a CEO of an organization, you must understand the many different intricacies of what makes the organization work, as an individual cannot be expected to lead the Company if they don’t understand what the company represents, or its purpose. Anne Mulcahy, the CEO of the XEROX Inc., played an intricate part in the development of XEROX and has been the pivoting factor of why the organization is doing so well in today’s competitive market-place. Discussing how she came to be the CEO of the company, and some of the decisions that she has made over the past several years will help us to understand what it takes to be in a position of leadership and management, and everything that you do can affect the future success, or failure of the organization that you are a part of. Road to Become the CEO Mulcahy stated in an interview on â€Å"Destination CEO† (Strategic videos) that her ability to do what she is capable of now, and how she got to the point that she has achieved, is accredited to her Father. During childhood, her father would make her and her brothers debate about different topics, and teach them about how to research the information about it. Her father expected them to maintain her knowledge on current events from the newspaper, and other sources of information. He would test them on their ability to state their opinions, back it by facts, and to have the ability to deliver the information in a way that would allow them to make others understand and side with them. Mulcahy started at Xerox because one of her brother’s worked there and helped her to get started with the company. She started at the bottom in sales, and therefore developed a good understanding of what the customer desired within their products. Later during her climb up the corporate ladder, she spent several years in Human Resources, and this gave her the opportunity to plan, develop, and launch a new department that would attempt improve the sales of the company’s products, and with the sales force organization. Vision Mulcahy’s ability to understand where the company was destined to go gave her the ability to set goals for the organization, to rally those within the leadership around those goals, and to convince the former CEO of the company to come back and recommend to the Board of Directors that Mulcahy be elected as the new CEO of the company. Her â€Å"Can Do† attitude was always contagious to others, and inspired those around her to follow her. This attitude is what also carried her through having to make many of the hard decisions that had to be made, such as cutting jobs and cutting entire

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