Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Social Care Worker- Free-Samples for Students-Myassignmenthelp

Questions: 1.List the tasks you would Prioritise immediately in relation to your duty of care and explain your rationale for each priority. 2.Describe at least one situation, from this case study, or in another youth work service where you would use infection control procedures. 3.Name three common sources of infection, using examples from this case study and/or from another Community services work place, and outline three strategies that you could Implement to minimize the risk of spreading the infection in each case. 4.Describe three ways in which Joshuas behavioural escalation incident could have been prevented. 5.Who would you report this Incident to and what action would you take to make this report? Answers: Introduction: The task of the social care worker is pretty challenging. It becomes even more critical to deal with situations when service users exhibit escalating aggressive behavior. In the following assignment we will try to understand the various challenges posed to care workers and focus on the steps they need to take in such situations. (Koolhaas et al 2013) 1.It can be understood from the case study that Joshua is an extremely vulnerable condition. Thus as a young care worker, it is my duty to take up immediate action in regard to the current situation. Firstly it is important to give a personal place to the service user. Since Joshua is quite aggressive, it is important to let him be by himself for some time. Secondly as a care worker I must ensure the safety of the other service users by keeping them away from Joshua. It is important to remain calm and composed since agitation on my part may aggravate the situation.( Price et al,2015) Lastly it may be of benefit if a more personalized approach is used. By acknowledging his feelings I may be able to calm Joshua down. 2.Every employer is mandated under the Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004, to ensure a safe working environment for all employees.( Miller et al,2014) This is inclusive of the provision of adequate infection control, correct equipment usage and training facilities. In order to implement a good infection control it is important to follow appropriate procedures at all times. In this case, it was seen that Joshua on being aggressive starts breaking the glass cups. This can have been potentially dangerous not only for the service user but also the service providers like us. Under such circumstance, appropriate infection control can be used. It is important to have a first aid kit available. Along with that there must be a person trained to use the kit. Safety equipments such as gloves, gowns, face shield, eye goggles must be provided to youth service users like us 3.In a residential home in UK, many service users had fallen sick due to unhealthy condition prevailing in the center. The three common sources of infection identifies were unhygienic food preparation techniques, unclean condition of the working place and faulty techniques of waste disposal. Various strategies were devised to deal with the situation. (Shah and Baba,2016 Infection Sources Strategies Food preparation Hand wash before and after food handling The food handlers should avoid touching hair, nose and mouth while preparing food. It is important to wash utensils before and after use. Unhygienic working conditions Regular washing of walls and ceilings. Use of disinfectants All cleaning items such as mops and brushes must be dried after every use. Waste disposal techniques The area must be isolated The area must be regularly washed with hot water and detergent. The disposed items must be sorted into plastic bags. 4.De-escalation sometime referred to as talk down techniques are very often used by social care workers in order to prevent escalation of hostile behavior on the part of the service-user. De-escalation is a complex technique which involves both verbal and nonverbal components. Joshuas behavioral escalation incident could have been avoided if timely steps were taken. Such steps could compose of verbal and non-verbal communication techniques. Verbal technique such as maintaining a cool tone of voice, avoiding harsh tone or threatening could have been used to de-escalate Joshuas behavior. Non-verbal communication techniques in the form of eye contact and self protection could have been used in this situation. Steps to divert Joshua attention could also be of use to avoid the escalation of his behavior. Though de-escalation is widely used for the management of aggressive behavior, clear techniques and rules are not covered by the definition. 5.As a social youth worker it is my duty to report this incident to my manager concerned. While preparing the report for the manager the following points must be incorporated in the report. (Miczek et al,2015) Firstly I have to describe the problem to the manager. In addition to that I have to explain what led to the escalating behavior that is my denial of giving Joshua petty money to go to Macdonalds. It is also important to specify in the report that Joshua claimed that the other care worker had given him money out of his pocket, which is not accepted by the set laws. The report must also contain details of Joshuas reaction before during and after the incident. Finally the report would end with recommendations. Conclusion: Thus through this assignment the problem of escalating aggressive behavior can be understood. The assignment also tries to put forward the steps which can be taken in this regard. In addition to that the assignment focuses on the importance of infection control and highlights an example to show its implication in real life. Reference: Koolhaas, J.M., Coppens, C.M., de Boer, S.F., Buwalda, B., Meerlo, P. and Timmermans, P.J., 2013. The resident-intruder paradigm: a standardized test for aggression, violence and social stress.Journal of visualized experiments: JoVE, (77). Miczek, K.A., Takahashi, A., Gobrogge, K.L., Hwa, L.S. and de Almeida, R.M., 2015. Escalated aggression in animal models: shedding new light on mesocorticolimbic circuits.Current opinion in behavioral sciences,3, pp.90-95. Miller, C.H. and Palenik, C.J., 2014.Infection Control and Management of Hazardous Materials for the Dental Team5: Infection Control and Management of Hazardous Materials for the Dental Team. Elsevier Health Sciences. Price, O., Baker, J., Bee, P. and Lovell, K., 2015. Learning and performance outcomes of mental health staff training in de-escalation techniques for the management of violence and aggression.The British Journal of Psychiatry,206(6), pp.447-455. Shah, A.F. and Baba, I.A., 2016. Knowledge and practices of infection control procedures in a Government Dental College setting.

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