Saturday, May 16, 2020

The European Countries Were Not Strong To Handle The...

The European countries were not strong to handle the aftermath of the second world war individually, they were in need of some sort of unification to help them rise back up in order to develop a new life for its citizens. (Dutta, 2011) Winston Churchill, the British Prime Minister expressed that when he said â€Å"It is to recreate the European Family to provide it with a structure under which it can dwell in peace, in safety and in freedom. We must build a kind of United States of Europe.’’1 The treaty of Rome stated the establishment of the EEC as an economic union, which provided free flow of investments, trade of goods, common agricultural policy and common EEC customs. But it included some social aspects as providing common transportation†¦show more content†¦The European Common market came as the following step to common customs while the countries forming NAFTA agreed on free trade. National and agricultural policies gave the EU more deepened unification than the economic affairs which was the main aim of NAFTA. The European Union appears as a whole unit led by a president and the Commission as one of its executive branches, and this is absent in NAFTA. (Mace, 2007) Bislev summarized the Integration level in the EU into: â€Å"its purpose is political (security), its form is legalistic ... and the states are the main actors in the institutional set-up.† And compared it to The North American Free Trade Agreement as â€Å"an exclusively economic purp ose, and a minimalist, litigational coordination mechanism where initiatives are left to private actors.†2 which lead it to be criticized for ignoring the problems; socially and Politically which was caused by the market opening (Appendini and Bislev, 2016) he argues that the European Union is â€Å"Over-institutionalized, in terms of influence and regulations. Horlick (Gary, 1994) stated that the contrast appears in the â€Å"open attempt to negotiate sovereignty and voting† in the EU while not even willing to do so the three of Canada, The U.S. and Mexico. So, as a conclusion and in terms of International relation theories; NAFTA represents the neo-liberalism in its insisting on economic as the sole purpose of it. President Trump, andShow MoreRelatedThe World s Foreign Policy1593 Words   |  7 PagesAs the world turned over into the 20th century the threat of war could be seen throughout European countries. Tensions arising from alliances, the arming of nations, and the deep seated hatred still present from past loses were all too present. In late July of 1914 the powder keg that was Europe would erupt and the countries would be pushed into the fires of war. 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